Friday, February 15, 2013


some people can be really mean.. they like to see the downfall of others.. it's like, when we are going through happy times, they are patiently waiting for us to break down and crash.. then they will applause and say, "hey, i told you so! he/she won't make it! hahaha!"

or something like that..

thus, i don't agree with some people who love to share their personal lives with public.. i pity them when what they have suddenly slipped away from their hands, pastu digelakkan atau dikeji dsb.. kesian tau..

dan lagi kesian bila those wicked people judge and label them.. we just know the story based on whatever info fed us.. rasanya tak fair kot nak judge and label them..

orang yang menanggung sahaja yang tau perit jerih dugaan tu.. jangan nanti kita dok sibuk mengata, satu hari nanti terkena balik kat kita..

lebih baik kita doakan yang terbaik je untuk mereka..

~peringatan untuk diri sendiri jugak nih.. hmmm....

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