Tuesday, June 16, 2009

wed morning, 17 june 09

this morning on my way to the office (i took the federal hiway), there was an accident happened rite in front of my eyes... gosh, it was a horrible thing to look... thank goodness it happened at the opposite road... 500m b4 Avon... i didnt know how it started... all i know is there were 2 cars and one of the car had stopped and hit the divider...

i stopped and could see the driver still alive and he opened the door to get out... so i drive away slowly... still in doubt to stop or not... when i looked at the rear mirror i can see the driver fell down on the road when he got out from the car!! yaaaaaa~~~ sgt takutt ok!! nak berenti dah jauh and of cos i will create a massive traffic jam...

so i called 999... mula2 aku dial 122... phone no not valid... hahaha... sial kalut... re-dial; 112... ckp ngan operator tu dgn nada panik... kalo aku dgr blk the call recording sure malu gile... hahaha...

after i made the report, all i can do was praying for the driver will be fine... sgt kesian ok... n sgt horrible...

n i missed the free parking... -_-"

but then my morning was turned out to be better when there was a car with a handsome driver parked beside mine... and while waiting for the elevator, i saw the handsome murtaza... yayaayaya~~~~


cahaya said...

ur a very good citizen...i'm proud of u....cewahhh


~ xoxo ~

whitelilies island said...

ceeeehhh... dah mcm mak2 lak ko ckp gitu.. hahahaha