Monday, June 29, 2009

kak mar dearest

i know i shouldn't feel sad... she's going for a better reason, to a better place... and i was the one who pray that for her... but why my tears can't stop falling? why i suddenly feel lost and fear?

i still need her...

~kakmar, semoga kakmar berjaya mencapai cita2 dan impian kakmar... org doakan kakmar berbahagia dan successful in watever u do... jasa dan kasih syg kakmar akan terus bersemadi di hati ini... no words can describe how much i love you, and how much i still need you... wish u all the best...


later this evening, nak tanak kena gak g opis... ade hal sket psl system... ampeh je, ni arip la nye psl nih... igt bley lari dr jupe kakmar... heheheh....

tp ms jupe td, mmg airmata aku sket pn tak kuar... sbb mata dah sgt pedih dan kering... smpi dah takde airmata yg nk dikeluarkan... hehehe... well, at least i can send her off with a smile... ^_^

tp ade org tegur muka aku cam tak sehat... cam baru bgn tdo... sbnrnye camtu la rupa muka aku bile lps nangis... huahuahua~~~

hodoh tol... hmmm.... -_-"


cahaya said...

marr...miss u <3

~ xoxo ~

whitelilies island said...

rs x lengkap kak mar takde.. rs cam ade yg tak kena.. hmmm T_T

Unknown said...

mar dh dtg menjenguk..ubat winduuu adasyut..heheh
tp dilla n ain cuti..
huhuhu x dpt jupe

whitelilies island said...

x sangka btol kakmar nk dtg aritu.. sukeee ^_^