what i don't get is how some ppl can be proud of themselves and love to look down on others? how they can actually have the heart to do that?
fine, if they really do have some things that they can really be proud of... but how about the ppl who are willing to make up stories, telling all what they possessed but actually they dont, just to be/feel better than the others?
i always wonder how they can come up with that kind of ridiculously stupid idea? and, why they actually do it?
perhaps, they are lacking of self-confidence or smthg... there are smthg about themselves that they dont like so they do it just to boost up their self-confidence... is it?
we are all human... have a bit more or less here and there... once we befriended with other ppl, we learn how to tolerate with their advantages and weaknesses... that's how we form a very good friendship / relationship at the first place... give and take...
but what if only one side who always demand to receive and never want to give? and that one side never want to tolerate, but instead take advantage on the weaknesses of the others, just to be the best?
of course the bond created previously will fall apart, rite?
we are not talking about office politics here, ok?!... we are talking about relationships between human beings... so taking advantage on others is a big N.O.!!
back when i was in junior high (menengah rendah ye), i used to have problem with self-esteem... i did have a best friend who i was ridiculously, foolishly believe in everything she said... but then she betrayed me and stabbed at my back... i used to hate myself inside-out, i hated my parents, i hated my life... never in my entire life i thought myself as a beautiful person... i hated myself for being born as a female... i was a grumpy person, arrogant, and egoist... i hated boys because i always thought i'm much better than them... how i always wished i was someone else...
when i entered senior high, i changed and slowly evolve, ever since, into the person i am now... it required a lot of effort, and time... and when at this current time-zone, there is someone who tried to change me back to the old me, why would i still stick to that person, rite? i should walk away... i should take care of my heart for not being hurt again... rite?
so that's why i walked away... and i dont think it's wrong... i won't give a damn if there are ppl who think it is wrong... because i've learnt that in some situations, we have to put ourselves first before others...
i never want to be the old me... i always afraid for some reason, something has triggered the hidden part of me, and change me back to the person i used to be...
thank God for still let me have the good ppl in my life, who always be my supporters, giving the positive influence to me effortlessly... also my parents who never give up on me...
i know ain will understand this dillema immediately... to ain, you always wonder how i've influenced you to still not going back to the person you used to be... because i was also like you... been there done that... perhaps the storyline is different but the basic issue is still the same... the key here is; hold on to the people who constantly give you positive influence, so that you will remain positive like them as well...

~currently sgt gile mendengar Tanpa Kekasihku by Agnes Monica... lps tau lirik dia terus aku jatuh cinta kat lagu ni sbb lagu dia sgt sdey... n agnes menyanyikan lagu ni dgn penuh prsaan smpi aku btol2 rs kesedihan lagu ni... pilu n sebak rs di hati... agnes mmg sorg penyanyi yg bgs (promo2... ahakhakhak)~
i always want to be +++++, i wish always to be ++++, that word i say everyday before go to office....
but i cannot be ++++ coz have situation -----, i can do it coz have supporters.... huhuuhuu thank a lot
actually, i dont like to be like this but my heart already broken, hurt, moant and whatever la....
but like this word "the key here is; hold on to the people who constantly give you positive influence, so that you will remain positive like them as well...
thank ada... you make me know to PILIH KAWAN before goes to relationship BFF....
now.... i already be carefully whatever ppl come in MY LIFE.....
P/S:(aku kena jwab BI sebab ada tulis dalam BI tapi kalo terabur korang jangan gelak semua datang datang dari hati aku yang pecah ini..hahahah)
alaa ain..BI aku pun cam bgs sgt..aku main gasak je tls ok..ahakhakhak..
takpe ain..byk2 saba k..Allah sentiasa bersama dgn org2 yg sabar..ade hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian..we just have to wait n see k.. (^_^)
p/s: ain, aku suke icon tu..ko suke tak? seswai ngan post aku tu kan..ahakhakhak...
erm tul... kite hanya boleh bersabar je...
kite nak balas balik pun boleh kan... tapi kite bukan macam dia... kalau kite buat apa yang dia buat kat kite.. kite akan jadi macam dia.. so kite bersabar je...
Tuhan sentiasa bersama dengan orang yang bersabar.... kite tunggu je....
lagipun dia dah junjung al-quran.... dia tak leh wat apa2 kat aku... kalau dia buat apa2, sumpah tu akan makan diri sendiri....
sekarang aku leh cakap ngan ko ada.. aku sangat tenang menjalani kehidupan..... aku akan try buat dia takde dalam hidup aku.... aku akan cuba....
P/S: aku pun suka ICoN tu hehehe.. macam kena je ngan kite..... hahahaha bayangkan aku ngan ko buat macam tu kat atas gunung.... hahahaha sangat dasat... muahahaha
hehe..takpe la..at least skrg dia dah tak ganggu idop kite..kite leh idop bebas..aku akan tetap assume ape yg kite wat ni btol walopun ade org ckp slh..hanya kite yg tau saketnye, dan hanya kite yg tau baik buruk keputusan kite..kan? ehehehe...
p/s: aku pun byg kite 2 wat camtu..cam superheroes..ahakhakhakhak...
erm tul.. aku pun rase orang akan cakap keputusan kite tak betol.. sebab diorang tak rase sakit selama setahun merana...
aku pun same ada.. tetap dengan pendirian aku bahawa keputusan kite sangat BETUL.... sebab kite dua je tahu kesakitanye....
whatever... aku tak kisah lansung orang len cakap pe.. janji hati aku dan ko tak di sakiti lagi.... kite dah bebas... yepiiii
P/S: hahahaha supeheroes custcare... sangat macho....
aku suke bace thread ni...penuh makne
ain: ye ain..marilah kite menjaga hati..ohohohoohooo...
cahaya: ape maknenye tu? ehehehe... ;-P
ye mari la..... lalalalaalala
erm makne pe chy
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