mencarik BFF pun leh wat reality show ke?
i dont even know this show exists until i watched it last nite...
primered 2008... huh...
i hate watching paris hilton's face (in that show)... cam sorg yg xde prsaan... tym org lain berckp muka dia seolah2 x pay attention pun kat org tu... cam all the contestants bored her to death... the reason she was doing it was becoz of the money... n popularity... huh... cam la the winner will be her BFF for real... damn...
and dia siap ade heiress chair... and talking like she's a royalty or smthg... pastu nak wat decision pun cam x reti... mmg dasar bimbo...
but then, i still love looking at her face... i think she's beautiful...
yeah, the show was for MTV so i guess she got paid a lot for it... no matter how little she put her heart to make the show successful, she still got highly paid and got another reason to spend the money luxuriously...
damn jealous...
sumtyms being a bimbo is lucky afterall... (-_-")
p/s: sila google the title to know more.
haha.ko tayah la kagum sangat ngan muka paris hilton.
dah went thru surgery...
kalau ko nak wat surgery,u can look like paris too..;p
i thot she's real, not fake.. hahahaha... yela, org ade duit kan...
kalo aku nk wat surgery, aku still nak muka aku nih.. part idong je nk tkr bg halus sket, xde la bsr sgt...huahuahua.. berangaaaannnnnn!!!!! ;-P
aku pn tertengok citer ni aritu....ntah pape ntah...ade gak citer cenggini....x paham
~ xoxo ~
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