Wednesday, May 19, 2010

dear lel... part II

since i was back from lel's wedding, i can't stop thinking about her.. i wrote that i was inspired by her.. and it's very true..

i flashed back every single frame-shots of our lives.. instead of making me the main actor, i made her the main one.

and the story becomes like a fairy tale.. a happy ending.

her story has a happy ending.

she, as a princess, lives happily ever after.

before she gets her happy ending, she also has her heart shattered.. broken into micro pieces.. by her love, by her best fren (so far that i know)..

i was there.. watching and listening.. but not at the entire situations of cos.

she has her own way of picking up herself back..

for me she's tough despite of her outside; sweet innocent looking girl.. she might deny it but for me, yes she is tough.

she makes me believe, that everyone will have their own happy ending as well.. maybe not the same, since our happy ending will be defined differently from one another.. wat i wanna say is, she makes me believe the existence of a happy ending.. it's real, not just a dream..

then again, it is not actually an ending.. but a beginning of a new chapter...........

~lel, congrats on ur wedding.. congrats on ur graduation.. i'm truly very proud of you..

luv u always...


Mr M said...

lela oh lela lela..aise to lela... tiba2 je ternyanyi lagu ndustan..hari tu aku tengok citer Mohabat (yang ko cakap ko paling suke Madhuri Dixit berlakon yang ilang sore sebab dia ingat pakwe dia mati tuh..) langsung aku teringat kat ko.. hoho, bukan nak komen pasal ndustan yer... nak tanya - mananya gambar lela yang lain2 yang superkacis itu??
Btw syut, aku tak dapat nak kotakan janji aku untuk introducekan si 'dia' pada ko tahun ni sbb kitorang baru je 'tak jadi'... dah takde jodoh gamaknya. Tapi doakan la ye suratan masing2.

whitelilies island said...

aku rs aku xde byk gmbr la ngan lela nih.. plg byk pun tym dia kawen aritu je.. hehh.. sadis tol aku ni ek.. hehe -_-"

mebi jodoh ko ngan org lain kot.. xpun kalo ngan si 'dia' pun, lmbt lg, bkn skrg.. hehh.. xpe2.. mana la tau ko akan jupe org lain yg lg bes kan.. hehe..

mekaseyy la still igt aku (walopun aku sndri x igt bile aku cite kat ko psl mohabbat tuh :D).. dtg la cni cuti skola nnt.. kita karok sama2.. ko blnje.. hehehhh