Monday, January 9, 2012

visiting war museum penang

date: 18/6/11
venue: war museum, penang

dah banyak kali datang penang tapi tak pernah terfikir pun nak masuk war museum ni.. walaupun pada awalnya niat just want to kill the time, but it turned out to be the best place of our trip! berbaloi masuk! first time masuk live museum macam ni.. jadinya my friends and i were all very excited macam kanak2 ribena.. hehehh.. tempat ni sangat besar so make sure korang cukup fit untuk explore this place and bawak air minum sekali..

and owh.. mest bersedia secara mental juga.. sebab ada beberapa tempat yang terasa agak seram.. kena kuat semangat sikit *mode seram uncle seekers*

~meriam ni ada di mana2 serata kubu.. digunakan untuk menembak jet2 pejuang~

~replika rumah2 melayu pada zaman sebelum kemerdekaan~

~kubu bawah tanah~

~laluan ni kitorang tak berani nak explore but it definitely going to take us somewhere.. it will become narrower the further you go.. since kitorang takde torch light (plus tak berani!), kitorang patah balik and explore something else~

~this is the something else i was talking about! mencabar okeh nak panjat laluan keluar dari kubu tu.. actually boleh je nak keluar ikut pintu masuk tadi tapi saje nak explore lebih.. bajet tourist kaan.. tapi memang best! baru la dapat feeling2 askar.. ekekeke~

~tempat pembuangan sisa kimia.. lubangnya sangat dalam setinggi beberapa belas tingkat bangunan (kot! tak ingat dah the exact number of storeys)~

~kubur sgt john wolf~

~salah satu kubu dan tempat simpan senjata~

~this place is supposed to have a canon.. a rotating one, but already removed kot.. if you wander around this place you can see there are some holes for weapon access.. weapons being transported from the underground kubu~

~posing konon2 tengah isi peluru dalam meriam.. ahaks~

~kawasan latihan menembak.. boleh jugak buat paintball kat sini~

~replika tempat general yamashita digantung~

~motor lama digantung buat perhiasan.. kompius ai~

~tempat askar2 berkumpul.. kat sini ada tayangan gambar tapi masa kitorang pergi takde pun~

~ni tempat orang kena penggal.. for real okeh.. kepala letak kat pokok yang ada dahan bentuk V tu then CHOP! menarik kan? O_o ~

~tempat orang kena gantung~

~the offices~

~berek askar tapi dah ubahsuai jadi tempat pameran~

~tandas bucket.. tahi dan air kencing buang terus dalam bucket then carry the bucket and buang.. tapi tak tau la diorang buang ke mana kan.. hahaha.. ngeri okeh membayangkan nak membuang macam nih~

~bilik mandi~

~ol' skool sehh piano nih~

~no it's not!~

~see the poster behind? they are now opening for night tour, which of course i won't dare to give it a try! kalau korang berminat boleh la try but please, count me out! :-^ ~

this place is very historical.. it is recommended for you to visit this museum even once in a lifetime.. the experience i got here is golden.. insaf sekejap bila imagine living in a place like this.. hidup dalam zaman perang, jadi askar, tinggal dalam kubu, or worse; jadi tahanan perang.. thank God i was born after independence.. let's treasure our country and help to keep its independence and peace *mode patriotic*

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