Thursday, January 8, 2009

current dilemma


i hate changes actually... i always love things go smoothly as planned and life goes just the way i love it... yup, fairy tale boleh la kan...

i have to make major decisions this year... ada yg aku mmg dah lama plan... and ada gak yg aku tak penah plan lgsg, tp terpaksa gak plan and try to proceed with the plan the best i can...

i doubt myself whether i'm ready for it yet or not... but it seems like i have no other choice... i better do it now or else, it's gonna be too late...

there are so many things to do, but so little time given...

can i do it?

~dilema someone yg baru realise she's turning 26 by the end of this year... duuhh (-_-")


DSBlacky said...

Changes.... hehehe i love good change....

whitelilies island said...

tp ade byk benda yg i hope will never change (T_T)

ohvee said...

gile kau! jgnlah sebut pasal changes yg membuatkan aku terpikir sejenak.

whitelilies island said...

ceh..ko nih suke pk lain ape yg aku pk..bile aku pk, ko tanak pk ape yg aku pk..bile ko pk, aku t'pk2..haihh...
