aku adelah sgt terharu...
aku ade 2 org mmbr baik yg sdg futher studies kat overseas yg sdg bercuti di mesia... sorg stadi kat jepun; alang dan sorg lg stadi kat aussie; alel...
2-2 aku knl since skool...
alang adelah BFF since kami sama2 1 dorm dlu ms f5... since then, she's been one of my emotional supporter... she's a great girl but she always refuse to believe it... that's why i don't tell her how great she is and how such a greater person she can be one day...
how i befriended with alel is a funny story... i knew her since skool but we were nvr close... we started to become besfren since we were studying for degree in the same uni in s.a... before that she was studying for dip in penang while i was in s.a... she's one of the excellent student in the fac but she nvr a snobbish... she always help her frens whether in studies or in life... that touches me so much... i think that's how we started became close despite on how different we are as persons...
i met alel earlier tonite... and my sis was shocked knowing i was meeting her... coz we had a history of the same man in our lives... she thought i was thru' with her... but how can i ditch a fren over a man? i treasure the frenship i had with her more than just the feelings i had for the man...
and that man was also my fren...
and he still is... (^_^)
i'm touched for they are very thoughtful...
alang gave me a yukata for my bday gift (and i was like, haa? yukata? ape tu?? yutaka takenouchi aku knl laa... hakhakhak):
i have to google on what yukata really is and how to actually wear it... hakhakhak... alang, next tym pls pronounce it as kimono or anythg easier to my understanding ok!!
alel gave me an aussie t-shirt:
let's take a closer look:
the brand label:
alel also gave me a pair of key-chains (eh, keychain ke... ntah la... aku pn tatau nama sbnr dia ape... janji aku tau function dia ape... hakhakhak):
sgt terharu sy...
~to alang: i'm gonna miss you again sooooo much... i'm sorry for keep calling u even for a stupid reason, eh actually kan... for no reason at all!! i just want to hear ur voice... (-_-")
~to alel: u OWE me a story ok!!!
hehe Kalau dia kata dia bagi kat ko Kimono..mmg dia kaya arr...
Yukata nie simple sket and made of kapas ja, kimono plak SILK.. oke la tu, kang pakai yg silk syg plak nak cecah tanah.. hehe.. nak pakai yukata pun sng banding KIMono..
ako dulu ada ramai kwn dok JAPAN, benda pertama ako tanya beza antara Yukata and Kimono sebab selalau nampak dalam anime hehe..
Ako ada HAKAMA.. mebe ako bagi.. kalau ada event best gak ko pakai yukata ako pakai HAKAMA.. keheehe..
ohhooo...tu ke bezanya..baru ku tauu..uhuhuhuh...
aku still lg tgh try nak pakai yukata tu dgn btol especially part yg nak pkai belt dia..adelah pening oke..hakhakhak...
and cara dia wrap yukata ke bdn pn ade cara sbb kalo kiri atas kanan means lain, kalo kanan atas kiri means lain...sgt kagum ngan culture derang ok..ni yg rs eager nk g melawat jpn nih..uhuhuhu...
menarik2..aku suke je nak attend event costume party..hehehehe ;-P
Banyak beb lagi beza dia..
Kimino ko kena pakai undergarment dia .. Yukata xpayah.. Tapi mana2 pun nak pakai ko mmg payah..
alah blasah je janji nampak cantik bila pakai pun.. KO tgh la memoir of geisha dah la..
Yukata nie selalu pakai time musim bunga ka musim panas entah.. yg diorg tgk bunga api and ada event cam karnival ala2 pasar malam tu..
G la.. ko ajak Ila..ako dah buhsan dah g Jepun.
"G la.. ko ajak Ila..ako dah buhsan dah g Jepun."
bile plak aku ajak ko g jepun nih *wat muke kompius+garuk pale*
seksi dowh kalo pakai yukata/kimono tak pakai undergarment..rs cam bogel lak..hakhakhak..
tak pun pkai cam ade 1 watak pmpuan kat dlm samurai X..ape ntah nama dia aku pun dah lupe..hikhikhik...
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