Tuesday, September 21, 2010

back to the earth at last~~

eh eh lupa lak aku ada blog.. ehehhe
for the past couple of weeks aku tak ada akses internet jadi terpaksa melupakan aktiviti blogging buat sementara waktu.. so for the upcoming entry might be some which i wrote earlier and saved it in my laptop.. awaiting to be published.. hehh..

brief udpate:
  1. kembali bersemangat menghadap kerja
  2. kembali meredah everyday congestion
  3. kembali makan dengan jayanya siang+malam
  4. masih belum bersenam
  5. masih belum kahwin
  6. masih belum ganti puasa / puasa enam
  7. looking forward for open house event this weekend
  8. baru 3 open house which are confirmed to go (insyaAllah)
  9. 1 open house invitation to be turned down (which is from my boss's sebab buat pada hari yang sama.. sangat sedih sebab i really look forward it!!! T_____T )
  10. still waiting for more open house invitation.. hehe
 til then.. see ya! (^_-)V

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